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Part #: EDM-700-4-2, EDM-700-4-3, EDM-700-4 3, EDM-700-4 2-201, EDM-700-6 2, EDM-700-6-2, EDM-700-6 3, EDM-700-6-3, EDM-700-6 2 201, EDM-700-6 2-201, EDM-700-6 3 201, EDM-700-6 3-201, EDM-700-6 2 231, EDM-700-6 2-231, EDM-700-6 3 231, EDM-700-6 3-231, EDM-700-8 2, EDM-700-8 3, EDM-700-8 2 201, EDM-700-8 3 201, EDM-700-8 2 231, EDM-700-8 3 231, EDM-700-9 2, EDM-700-9 3, EDM-700-9 2 231, EDM-700-9 3 231
J.P. Instruments
Availability: In Stock



All pilots know that running their engines at peak performance means maximum efficiency! Max. efficiency means substantial savings in fuel burned and engine maintenance. EDM 700 assures pilots of Peak Precision Engine Performance Simply and Economically.

EDM700 includes: Computer assisted diagnostics for troubleshooting the entire system, 2-1/4″ panel mount, normalize mode, graphics resolution, automatically finds the first EGT to peak, display of Oil,OAT, IAT, CDT, volts, shock cooling of 2 TIT’s, 1º temp. resolution, selectable ºC/ºF,all functions have Hi/Lo pilot programmable limits, supplied with JPI’s well known, grounded, fast response probes,TSO quality, FAA TSO/STC approved, 3-yr warranty. All EGT probes, cht probes, harness, and hardware included. All EDM-700 systems come with data recording and provide long term trend monitoring to maintain ultimate engine health. Data Recording capability will records and stores all displayed parameters and, at a later time, transfer the info to a palmtop or laptop PC. Retrieve all the data stored in the EDM-700 or only the new data recorded since your last retrieval. In either case, no data is erased in the EDM unit.The data will be saved to a PC in a compressed format file. PC program supplied with the Data Recording Option will decompress the data for display and use by other programs, such as MS Excel or Lotus 123.

EDM-700 Data Recording contains a date and time clock. You may also program an aircraft ID, such as your aircraft registration number or your name that will appear in the output data file.

Part: EDM-700-4-2, EDM-700-4-3, EDM-700-4 3, EDM-700-4 2-201, EDM-700-6 2, EDM-700-6-2, EDM-700-6 3, EDM-700-6-3, EDM-700-6 2 201, EDM-700-6 2-201, EDM-700-6 3 201, EDM-700-6 3-201, EDM-700-6 2 231, EDM-700-6 2-231, EDM-700-6 3 231, EDM-700-6 3-231, EDM-700-8 2, EDM-700-8 3, EDM-700-8 2 201, EDM-700-8 3 201, EDM-700-8 2 231, EDM-700-8 3 231, EDM-700-9 2, EDM-700-9 3, EDM-700-9 2 231, EDM-700-9 3 231 Categories: , , , Tag:
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