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Part #: CL1000A-STC
Availability: In Stock




The Casper Labs “full flow” vertical oil filter kit is designed to provide Lycoming Engine owners several improvements over the standard Lycoming oil screen or filter hardware. This device locates the filter in the vertical plane for two unique advantages.

    • 1) The filter is in “free” space, permitting installation with tight engine to firewall clearance (that would otherwise be limited to an oil screen).
    • 2) The filter is easily accessible without contortions or broken knuckles.
    3) When it is time for filter changes, a prick punch in the top of the filter allows oil to drain back to the sump such that none is spilled during removal. No accessory case, lower cowl, or nose gear cleanup is required after filter removal.

The unit has no moving parts and requires no maintenance. Standard aviation filters are compatible. The oil filter fits most every Lycoming engine with two separate magnitos and can be installed with a quarter inch drive ratchet, two box end wrenches, and a pair of pliers for safety wire. Temperature probe hardware transfers directly from the present screen housing or OEM filter adapter. Installation is strictly “bolt on” as no interference exists with standard engine accessories (including vacuum pad drive alternators) and baffling. A robust and accessible anchor for filter safety wire makes securing an easy task.


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